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ConjureKit main module - provides basic networking and can be used in combination with other modules to provide more functionality.

Inherits from Auki.ConjureKit.IConjureKit, Auki.ConjureKit.Domains.IDomainSdk

Public Functions

Gets the current credentials. AukiCredentials struct
Returns the current NetworkQuality object. NetworkQuality object
Gets the current configuration. ConjureKitConfiguration struct
Gets the camera transform. Transform
State State
Gets an object with common Unity callbacks. AukiUnityBridge object
Gets currently joined Session object. Session object or null when not in a Session
voidRegisterModule(IConjureKitModule module)
(Internal) Registers IAukiModule-conforming objects so they get updated and receive messages. moduleModule to be registered
Standard way of getting the current time. Current time
Gets current time in milliseconds. Current time in milliseconds
ConjureKit(Transform mainCamera, string appKey, string appSecret, AukiDebug.LogLevel logLevel =AukiDebug.LogLevel.DEBUG)
Constructs a ConjureKit instance.
boolIsInitialized(string configUri, out string reason)
Determines if ConjureKit and all of its modules are initialized for a specific given configuration URI. Returns also a reason for not being initialized. configUriURI for configuration. reasonReason for not being initialized. true if they are initialized, false if not.
boolIsInitialized(out string reason)
Determines if ConjureKit and all of its modules are initialized for the configuration currently being available or used. Returns also a reason for not being initialized. reasonReason for not being initialized. true if they are initialized, false if not.
boolIsInitialized(string configUri ="")
Determines if ConjureKit and all of its modules are initialized for the configuration currently being used or, when a URI is provided, for the given configuration URI. configUriOptional URI for configuration. true if they are initialized, false if not.
voidInit(string configUri, Action onComplete =null, Action< string > onFailed =null)
Optional manual initialization ConjureKit and its modules for a non-default configUrl. Note that one must be in a Disconnected or Initializing state to call this function. configUrlUrl of the configuration file (json) onCompleteCallback on success onFailedCallback on failure
voidInit(ConjureKitConfiguration configuration, Action onComplete =null, Action< string > onFailed =null)
Optional manual initialization of ConjureKit and its modules for a given ConjureKitConfiguration object. One must be in a Disconnected or Initializing state to call this function. configurationConjureKitConfiguration instance onCompleteCallback on success onFailedCallback on failure
voidConnect(Action< Session > onComplete =null, Action< string > onFailed =null)
Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse with the default or current ConjureKitConfiguration. The onComplete callback is invoked with the same argument as ConjureKit.OnJoined, prior to ConjureKit.OnJoined. onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure
voidConnect(string sessionId, Action< Session > onComplete =null, Action< string > onFailed =null)
Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse to a specific session with the default or current ConjureKitConfiguration. The session argument can also be set to the empty string in which case a new session will be created. sessionIdDesired Session id (can be left blank) onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure
voidConnect(string sessionId, string configUri, Action< Session > onComplete =null, Action< string > onFailed =null)
Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse to a specific session with a custom ConjureKitConfiguration URI. The initialization process related to the configUri is idempotent, and will not result in re-initialization if the same URI is provided twice. sessionIdDesired Session id (can be left blank) configUriCustom configUri onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure
voidConnect(string sessionId, ConjureKitConfiguration configuration, Action< Session > onComplete =null, Action< string > onFailed =null)
Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse to a specific session with a custom ConjureKitConfiguration struct. The initialization process related to the configUri is idempotent, and will not result in re-initialization if the same struct is provided twice. sessionIdDesired Session id (can be left blank) configurationCustom ConjureKitConfiguration struct onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure
boolConnectionErrorMessageIsInternetConnectivityIssue(string message)
Tells whether a string returned by the onError callback of ConjureKit.Connect() denotes an internet connectivity issue. errorMessageThe argument passed to the ConjureKit onError callback bool
Notify Auki calibration has been achieved.
Call to disconnect from a session.
voidSetHagallFeatureConfiguration(IEnumerable< string > modules =null, IEnumerable< string > featureFlags =null)
Sets lists of required Hagall modules and feature flags. modulesList of required Hagall modules, default is null for none featureFlagsList of required Hagall feature flags, default is null for none
voidSetHagallMinVersion(string version)
Sets application-side request for minimum Hagall version. versionHagall version number in format vMajor[.Minor][.Patch] (e.g., "v4.5")
Returns the Organization Id of the App. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. The organization id or empty if not available.
Returns if any user is currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. True if logged in.
boolIsUserLoggedIn(string username)
Returns if the given user is currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. True if logged in.
Returns the Organization Id of the logged in User, if available. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. The organization id or empty if not available (user not logged in).
voidLogin(string username, string password, Action onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Login with user credentials. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. May be called several times, overwriting previous previous credentials and login state. usernameAuki console password. onSuccessA callback for handling successful login. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.
Logs out currently logged in user, if any. You can Login() again immediately after this call. May be called any time. Any currently used login data will be cleared immediately, even if the server is unreachable or the request fails.
voidGetLighthouse(string lighthouseId, Action< StaticLighthouse > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false)
Retrieves a specific lighthouse by its Id or Short Id. Result might differ depending on the user currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. lighthouseIdThe unique identifier of the lighthouse. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of the lighthouse. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. A missing lighthouse will trigger this callback. preferCacheWhen true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.
voidGetLighthouseWithDomains(string lighthouseId, OrganizationSource to be initialized. domainOrgFilterFilters domains by organization. lighthouseIdThe unique identifier of the lighthouse. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of the lighthouse and all domains it is currently into. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. A missing lighthouse will trigger this callback.
voidGetLighthouses(OrganizationSource to be initialized. orgFilterFilters lighthouses by organization. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. No lighthouses will return an empty list. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.
voidGetLighthouses(string organizationId, Action< IReadOnlyCollection< StaticLighthouse > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieve all existing StaticLighthouses in the specified organization, accessible at the current time. Result might differ depending on logged in status and the user currently logged in. Note: you can use your own organization id to retrieve lighthouses created by your organization. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. organizationIdAny Organization id or "own" to use organization currently in use (logged in user or app). onSuccessCallback with a list of StaticLighthouse objects. No lighthouses will return an empty list. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. A missing organization will trigger this callback.
voidGetLighthousesFromDomain(string domainId, OrganizationSource is currently supported. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. No lighthouses will return an empty list. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.
voidGetDomain(string domainId, Action< Domain > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure, bool preferCache =false)
Retrieves a specific domain information by its id. Result might differ depending on the user currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. domainIdThe unique identifier of the lighthouse. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. preferCacheWhen true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.
voidGetDomainWithLighthouses(string domainId, OrganizationSource is currently supported. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.
voidGetDomains(OrganizationSource objects onFailureCallback on failure
voidGetDomains(string organizationId, Action< IReadOnlyCollection< Domain > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
Retrieve all existing Domains created by the specified organization, accessible at the current time. Result might differ depending on logged in status and the user currently logged in. Note: you can use your own organization id to retrieve domains created by your organization. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. organizationIdAny Organization id or "own" to use organization currently in use (logged in user or app). onSuccessCallback with a list of Domain objects onFailureCallback on failure
voidGetDomainsFromLighthouse(string lighthouseId, OrganizationSource objects onFailureCallback on failure
voidAddComponentType(string componentTypeName, Action< uint > onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to add a component type to the Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.
voidGetComponentTypeId(string componentTypeName, Action< uint > onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to get the id of a component type by name from a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.
voidGetComponentTypeName(uint componentTypeId, Action< string > onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to get the name of a component type by id from a Hagall Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.
voidAddComponent(uint componentTypeId, uint entityId, byte[] data, Action onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to add a component to an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.
voidDeleteComponent(uint componentTypeId, uint entityId, Action onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to delete a component from an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.
voidGetComponents(uint componentTypeId, Action< List< EntityComponent > > onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to get all components of a component type in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.
boolUpdateComponent(uint componentTypeId, uint entityId, byte[] data)
Low-level ECS method to update a component on an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. bool indicating success or failure of putting update message on send queue
voidSubscribeToComponentType(uint componentTypeId, Action onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to subscribe to updates of a component type Might later be replaced by Systems.
voidUnsubscribeToComponentType(uint componentTypeId, Action onComplete, Action< string > onError =null)
Low-level ECS method to unsubscribe to updates of a component type Might later be replaced by Systems.
(Internal) Returns a new request id. New request id
voidRequest(uint requestId, MsgType msgType, byte[] request, Action< byte[]> onResponse, Action< string > onError)
(Internal) Sends a request to the server. requestIdRequest id msgTypeRequest MsgType requestByte array-encoded request onResponseCallback on success onErrorCallback on failure
voidRequest(uint requestId, byte[] request, Action< byte[]> onResponse, Action< string > onError)
(Internal) Sends a request to the server. Deprecated version without the message type. requestIdRequest id requestByte array-encoded request onResponseCallback on success onErrorCallback on failure
void_SendBytes(byte[] data)
(Internal) Sends a message directly to Hagall. data
boolSendCustomMessage(uint[] participantIds, byte[] data)
Sends a custom message to other Participants. participantIdsAn array of Participant Ids dataAn array of custom data Success or failure
voidMeasurePing(Action< double > onComplete =null, Action< string > onError =null)
Perform a millisecond ping measurement of the current session. The measurement is aggregated to ConjureKit's NetworkQuality object, accessible via ConjureKit.GetNetworkQuality(). onCompleteCallback on success, invoked with millisecond amount onErrorCallback on failure

Public Properties

Action< ConjureKitConfiguration >OnInit
Called after successful initialization or re-initialization of ConjureKit and its modules. The argument passed to OnInit is the configuration for which initialization took place.
Action< Participant >OnParticipantJoined
Called when a new Participant joins the Session. Joining Participant object
Action< uint >OnParticipantLeft
Called when a Participant left the Session. Id of Participant that left
Action< Entity >OnEntityAdded
Called when an Entity is added to the Session. Note: This event is triggered only for entities created by other participants in the session.
Action< Entity >OnEntityAddedResponse
Called when an Entity add request was successful. Added Entity object
Action< uint >OnEntityDeleted
Called when an Entity was deleted from the Session. Note: This event is triggered only for entities deleted by other participants in the session.
Action< ComponentUpdateBroadcast >OnComponentUpdate
Low-level ECS callback method that is called when a component update is broadcast from a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. ComponentUpdateBroadcast
Action< ComponentAddBroadcast >OnComponentAdd
Low-level ECS callback method that is called when a component is added to an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. ComponentAddBroadcast
Action< ComponentDeleteBroadcast >OnComponentDelete
Low-level ECS callback method that is called when a component is deleted from an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. ComponentDeleteBroadcast
Action< uint >OnEntityDeletedResponse
Called when an Entity delete request was successful. Id of deleted Entity
Action< Session >OnJoined
Called when a Session was joined.
Action< Entity >OnParticipantEntityCreated
Called after calibration or immediately after joining a Session if this Participant is its host. ParticipantEntity object
Action< Session >OnLeft
Called when a Session was left. The argument is an inert copy of the old Session object as it stood before leaving.
Action< State state
Action< Entity >OnEntityUpdatePose
Called when an Entity's Pose has been updated.
Action< CustomMessageBroadcast >OnCustomMessageBroadcast
Called when a custom message broadcast has been received. CustomMessageBroadcast object
Called when the application was sent to the background.
Called when the application was sent to the foreground.
IReadOnlyDictionary< string, StaticLighthouse >StaticLighthousesCached
Cache of currently known StaticLighthouses, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized.
IReadOnlyDictionary< string, Domain >DomainsCached
Cache of currently known Domains, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized.

Public Functions Documentation

function GetCredentials

AukiCredentials GetCredentials()

Gets the current credentials. AukiCredentials struct

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetCredentials

function GetNetworkQuality

NetworkQuality GetNetworkQuality()

Returns the current NetworkQuality object. NetworkQuality object

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetNetworkQuality

function GetConfiguration

ConjureKitConfiguration GetConfiguration()

Gets the current configuration. ConjureKitConfiguration struct

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetConfiguration

function GetCameraTransform

Transform GetCameraTransform()

Gets the camera transform. Transform

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetCameraTransform

function GetState

State GetState()

Gets current ConjureKit State. ConjureKit State

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetState

function GetConjureKitBridge

ConjureKitBridge GetConjureKitBridge()

Gets an object with common Unity callbacks. AukiUnityBridge object

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetConjureKitBridge

function GetSession

Session GetSession()

Gets currently joined Session object. Session object or null when not in a Session

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetSession

function RegisterModule

void RegisterModule(
IConjureKitModule module

(Internal) Registers IAukiModule-conforming objects so they get updated and receive messages. moduleModule to be registered

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::RegisterModule

function GetNowAsProtobufTimestamp

Timestamp GetNowAsProtobufTimestamp()

Standard way of getting the current time. Current time

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetNowAsProtobufTimestamp

function GetNowMilliseconds

long GetNowMilliseconds()

Gets current time in milliseconds. Current time in milliseconds

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetNowMilliseconds

function ConjureKit

Transform mainCamera,
string appKey,
string appSecret,
AukiDebug.LogLevel logLevel =AukiDebug.LogLevel.DEBUG

Constructs a ConjureKit instance.


  • mainCamera Main Scene camera
  • appKey App key
  • appSecret App secret
  • logLevel Preferred log level

function IsInitialized

bool IsInitialized(
string configUri,
out string reason

Determines if ConjureKit and all of its modules are initialized for a specific given configuration URI. Returns also a reason for not being initialized. configUriURI for configuration. reasonReason for not being initialized. true if they are initialized, false if not.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::IsInitialized

function IsInitialized

bool IsInitialized(
out string reason

Determines if ConjureKit and all of its modules are initialized for the configuration currently being available or used. Returns also a reason for not being initialized. reasonReason for not being initialized. true if they are initialized, false if not.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::IsInitialized

function IsInitialized

bool IsInitialized(
string configUri =""

Determines if ConjureKit and all of its modules are initialized for the configuration currently being used or, when a URI is provided, for the given configuration URI. configUriOptional URI for configuration. true if they are initialized, false if not.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::IsInitialized

function Init

void Init(
string configUri,
Action onComplete =null,
Action< string > onFailed =null

Optional manual initialization ConjureKit and its modules for a non-default configUrl. Note that one must be in a Disconnected or Initializing state to call this function. configUrlUrl of the configuration file (json) onCompleteCallback on success onFailedCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Init

function Init

void Init(
ConjureKitConfiguration configuration,
Action onComplete =null,
Action< string > onFailed =null

Optional manual initialization of ConjureKit and its modules for a given ConjureKitConfiguration object. One must be in a Disconnected or Initializing state to call this function. configurationConjureKitConfiguration instance onCompleteCallback on success onFailedCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Init

function Connect

void Connect(
Action< Session > onComplete =null,
Action< string > onFailed =null

Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse with the default or current ConjureKitConfiguration. The onComplete callback is invoked with the same argument as ConjureKit.OnJoined, prior to ConjureKit.OnJoined. onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Connect

function Connect

void Connect(
string sessionId,
Action< Session > onComplete =null,
Action< string > onFailed =null

Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse to a specific session with the default or current ConjureKitConfiguration. The session argument can also be set to the empty string in which case a new session will be created. sessionIdDesired Session id (can be left blank) onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Connect

function Connect

void Connect(
string sessionId,
string configUri,
Action< Session > onComplete =null,
Action< string > onFailed =null

Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse to a specific session with a custom ConjureKitConfiguration URI. The initialization process related to the configUri is idempotent, and will not result in re-initialization if the same URI is provided twice. sessionIdDesired Session id (can be left blank) configUriCustom configUri onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Connect

function Connect

void Connect(
string sessionId,
ConjureKitConfiguration configuration,
Action< Session > onComplete =null,
Action< string > onFailed =null

Call when you want to connect to the Aukiverse to a specific session with a custom ConjureKitConfiguration struct. The initialization process related to the configUri is idempotent, and will not result in re-initialization if the same struct is provided twice. sessionIdDesired Session id (can be left blank) configurationCustom ConjureKitConfiguration struct onCompleteCallback on success (invoked before ConjureKit.OnJoined) onFailedCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Connect

function ConnectionErrorMessageIsInternetConnectivityIssue

bool ConnectionErrorMessageIsInternetConnectivityIssue(
string message

Tells whether a string returned by the onError callback of ConjureKit.Connect() denotes an internet connectivity issue. errorMessageThe argument passed to the ConjureKit onError callback bool

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::ConnectionErrorMessageIsInternetConnectivityIssue

function NotifyARCameraCalibrated

void NotifyARCameraCalibrated()

Notify Auki calibration has been achieved.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::NotifyARCameraCalibrated

function Disconnect

void Disconnect()

Call to disconnect from a session.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Disconnect

function SetHagallFeatureConfiguration

void SetHagallFeatureConfiguration(
IEnumerable< string > modules =null,
IEnumerable< string > featureFlags =null

Sets lists of required Hagall modules and feature flags. modulesList of required Hagall modules, default is null for none featureFlagsList of required Hagall feature flags, default is null for none

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::SetHagallFeatureConfiguration

function SetHagallMinVersion

void SetHagallMinVersion(
string version

Sets application-side request for minimum Hagall version. versionHagall version number in format vMajor[.Minor][.Patch] (e.g., "v4.5")

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::SetHagallMinVersion

function GetAppOrganizationId

string GetAppOrganizationId()

Returns the Organization Id of the App. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. The organization id or empty if not available.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetAppOrganizationId

function IsLoggedIn

bool IsLoggedIn()

Returns if any user is currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. True if logged in.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::IsLoggedIn

function IsUserLoggedIn

bool IsUserLoggedIn(
string username

Returns if the given user is currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. True if logged in.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::IsUserLoggedIn

function GetLoggedInUserOrganizationId

string GetLoggedInUserOrganizationId()

Returns the Organization Id of the logged in User, if available. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. The organization id or empty if not available (user not logged in).

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetLoggedInUserOrganizationId

function Login

void Login(
string username,
string password,
Action onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Login with user credentials. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. May be called several times, overwriting previous previous credentials and login state. usernameAuki console password. onSuccessA callback for handling successful login. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::Login

function Logout

void Logout()

Logs out currently logged in user, if any. You can Login() again immediately after this call. May be called any time. Any currently used login data will be cleared immediately, even if the server is unreachable or the request fails.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::Logout

function GetLighthouse

void GetLighthouse(
string lighthouseId,
Action< StaticLighthouse > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false

Retrieves a specific lighthouse by its Id or Short Id. Result might differ depending on the user currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. lighthouseIdThe unique identifier of the lighthouse. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of the lighthouse. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. A missing lighthouse will trigger this callback. preferCacheWhen true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetLighthouse

function GetLighthouseWithDomains

void GetLighthouseWithDomains(
string lighthouseId,
OrganizationSource domainOrgFilter,
Action< StaticLighthouse > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves a specific lighthouse by its Id or Short Id, plus additional information on Domains it belongs to. Result might differ depending on the user currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. domainOrgFilterFilters domains by organization. lighthouseIdThe unique identifier of the lighthouse. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of the lighthouse and all domains it is currently into. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. A missing lighthouse will trigger this callback.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetLighthouseWithDomains

function GetLighthouses

void GetLighthouses(
OrganizationSource orgFilter,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< StaticLighthouse > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves all lighthouses created/owned by the organization currently in use. Result might differ depending on the user currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. orgFilterFilters lighthouses by organization. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. No lighthouses will return an empty list. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetLighthouses

function GetLighthouses

void GetLighthouses(
string organizationId,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< StaticLighthouse > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieve all existing StaticLighthouses in the specified organization, accessible at the current time. Result might differ depending on logged in status and the user currently logged in. Note: you can use your own organization id to retrieve lighthouses created by your organization. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. organizationIdAny Organization id or "own" to use organization currently in use (logged in user or app). onSuccessCallback with a list of StaticLighthouse objects. No lighthouses will return an empty list. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. A missing organization will trigger this callback.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetLighthouses

function GetLighthousesFromDomain

void GetLighthousesFromDomain(
string domainId,
OrganizationSource lighthouseOrgFilter,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves all lighthouses currently added to a specific domain. Result might differ depending on logged in status and the user currently logged in. Currently only OrganizationSource.Any is supported for this function; other values will be ignored. This is intended for future support. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. domainIdThe unique identifier of the domain. domainOrgFilterFilters domains by organization. Only OrganizationSource.Any is currently supported. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. No lighthouses will return an empty list. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetLighthousesFromDomain

function GetDomain

void GetDomain(
string domainId,
Action< Domain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure,
bool preferCache =false

Retrieves a specific domain information by its id. Result might differ depending on the user currently logged in. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. domainIdThe unique identifier of the lighthouse. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message. preferCacheWhen true, avoids requesting again from server data already in cache, but can lead to out-of-sync data. Default = false.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetDomain

function GetDomainWithLighthouses

void GetDomainWithLighthouses(
string domainId,
OrganizationSource lighthouseOrgFilter,
Action< Domain > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieves a specific domain information by its id, plus additional information on Lighthouses associated to it. Currently only OrganizationSource.Any is supported for this function; other values will be ignored. This is intended for future support. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. domainIdThe unique identifier of the lighthouse. lighthouseOrgFilterFilters lighthouses by organization. Only OrganizationSource.Any is currently supported. onSuccessA callback for handling the successful retrieval of lighthouses. onFailureA callback for handling failures, providing an error message.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetDomainWithLighthouses

function GetDomains

void GetDomains(
OrganizationSource orgFilter,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< Domain > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieve all existing Domains created/owned by the organization currently in use. Result might differ depending on logged in status and the user currently logged in: app organization will be used, unless a user is logged in, in which case his organization is used. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. orgFilterFilters domains by organization onSuccessCallback with a list of Domain objects onFailureCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetDomains

function GetDomains

void GetDomains(
string organizationId,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< Domain > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieve all existing Domains created by the specified organization, accessible at the current time. Result might differ depending on logged in status and the user currently logged in. Note: you can use your own organization id to retrieve domains created by your organization. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. organizationIdAny Organization id or "own" to use organization currently in use (logged in user or app). onSuccessCallback with a list of Domain objects onFailureCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetDomains

function GetDomainsFromLighthouse

void GetDomainsFromLighthouse(
string lighthouseId,
OrganizationSource orgFilter,
Action< IReadOnlyCollection< DomainAssociation > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

Retrieve all existing Domains created by the specified organization, accessible at the current time. Retrieve all Domain objects that contain a specific lighthouse, accessible at the current time. Result might differ depending on logged in status and the user currently logged in. Note: you can use your own organization id to retrieve domains created by your organization. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized. lighthouseIdLighthouse id domainOrgFilterFilters domains by organization. onSuccessCallback with a list of Domain objects onFailureCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::GetDomainsFromLighthouse

function AddComponentType

void AddComponentType(
string componentTypeName,
Action< uint > onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to add a component type to the Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::AddComponentType

function GetComponentTypeId

void GetComponentTypeId(
string componentTypeName,
Action< uint > onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to get the id of a component type by name from a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetComponentTypeId

function GetComponentTypeName

void GetComponentTypeName(
uint componentTypeId,
Action< string > onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to get the name of a component type by id from a Hagall Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetComponentTypeName

function AddComponent

void AddComponent(
uint componentTypeId,
uint entityId,
byte[] data,
Action onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to add a component to an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::AddComponent

function DeleteComponent

void DeleteComponent(
uint componentTypeId,
uint entityId,
Action onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to delete a component from an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::DeleteComponent

function GetComponents

void GetComponents(
uint componentTypeId,
Action< List< EntityComponent > > onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to get all components of a component type in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetComponents

function UpdateComponent

bool UpdateComponent(
uint componentTypeId,
uint entityId,
byte[] data

Low-level ECS method to update a component on an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. bool indicating success or failure of putting update message on send queue

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::UpdateComponent

function SubscribeToComponentType

void SubscribeToComponentType(
uint componentTypeId,
Action onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to subscribe to updates of a component type Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::SubscribeToComponentType

function UnsubscribeToComponentType

void UnsubscribeToComponentType(
uint componentTypeId,
Action onComplete,
Action< string > onError =null

Low-level ECS method to unsubscribe to updates of a component type Might later be replaced by Systems.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::UnsubscribeToComponentType

function GetNewRequestId

uint GetNewRequestId()

(Internal) Returns a new request id. New request id

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::GetNewRequestId

function Request

void Request(
uint requestId,
MsgType msgType,
byte[] request,
Action< byte[]> onResponse,
Action< string > onError

(Internal) Sends a request to the server. requestIdRequest id msgTypeRequest MsgType requestByte array-encoded request onResponseCallback on success onErrorCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Request

function Request

void Request(
uint requestId,
byte[] request,
Action< byte[]> onResponse,
Action< string > onError

(Internal) Sends a request to the server. Deprecated version without the message type. requestIdRequest id requestByte array-encoded request onResponseCallback on success onErrorCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::Request

function _SendBytes

void _SendBytes(
byte[] data

(Internal) Sends a message directly to Hagall. data

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::_SendBytes

function SendCustomMessage

bool SendCustomMessage(
uint[] participantIds,
byte[] data

Sends a custom message to other Participants. participantIdsAn array of Participant Ids dataAn array of custom data Success or failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::SendCustomMessage

function MeasurePing

void MeasurePing(
Action< double > onComplete =null,
Action< string > onError =null

Perform a millisecond ping measurement of the current session. The measurement is aggregated to ConjureKit's NetworkQuality object, accessible via ConjureKit.GetNetworkQuality(). onCompleteCallback on success, invoked with millisecond amount onErrorCallback on failure

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::MeasurePing

Public Property Documentation

property OnInit

Action< ConjureKitConfiguration > OnInit;

Called after successful initialization or re-initialization of ConjureKit and its modules. The argument passed to OnInit is the configuration for which initialization took place.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnInit

property OnParticipantJoined

Action< Participant > OnParticipantJoined;

Called when a new Participant joins the Session. Joining Participant object

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnParticipantJoined

property OnParticipantLeft

Action< uint > OnParticipantLeft;

Called when a Participant left the Session. Id of Participant that left

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnParticipantLeft

property OnEntityAdded

Action< Entity > OnEntityAdded;

Called when an Entity is added to the Session. Note: This event is triggered only for entities created by other participants in the session.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnEntityAdded

property OnEntityAddedResponse

Action< Entity > OnEntityAddedResponse;

Called when an Entity add request was successful. Added Entity object

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnEntityAddedResponse

property OnEntityDeleted

Action< uint > OnEntityDeleted;

Called when an Entity was deleted from the Session. Note: This event is triggered only for entities deleted by other participants in the session.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnEntityDeleted

property OnComponentUpdate

Action< ComponentUpdateBroadcast > OnComponentUpdate;

Low-level ECS callback method that is called when a component update is broadcast from a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. ComponentUpdateBroadcast

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnComponentUpdate

property OnComponentAdd

Action< ComponentAddBroadcast > OnComponentAdd;

Low-level ECS callback method that is called when a component is added to an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. ComponentAddBroadcast

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnComponentAdd

property OnComponentDelete

Action< ComponentDeleteBroadcast > OnComponentDelete;

Low-level ECS callback method that is called when a component is deleted from an Entity in a Session. Might later be replaced by Systems. ComponentDeleteBroadcast

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnComponentDelete

property OnEntityDeletedResponse

Action< uint > OnEntityDeletedResponse;

Called when an Entity delete request was successful. Id of deleted Entity

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnEntityDeletedResponse

property OnJoined

Action< Session > OnJoined;

Called when a Session was joined.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnJoined

property OnParticipantEntityCreated

Action< Entity > OnParticipantEntityCreated;

Called after calibration or immediately after joining a Session if this Participant is its host. ParticipantEntity object

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnParticipantEntityCreated

property OnLeft

Action< Session > OnLeft;

Called when a Session was left. The argument is an inert copy of the old Session object as it stood before leaving.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnLeft

property OnStateChanged

Action< State > OnStateChanged;

Called when the ConjureKit state has changed. New ConjureKit state

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnStateChanged

property OnEntityUpdatePose

Action< Entity > OnEntityUpdatePose;

Called when an Entity's Pose has been updated.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnEntityUpdatePose

property OnCustomMessageBroadcast

Action< CustomMessageBroadcast > OnCustomMessageBroadcast;

Called when a custom message broadcast has been received. CustomMessageBroadcast object

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnCustomMessageBroadcast

property OnApplicationBackground

Action OnApplicationBackground;

Called when the application was sent to the background.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnApplicationBackground

property OnApplicationForeground

Action OnApplicationForeground;

Called when the application was sent to the foreground.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::IConjureKit::OnApplicationForeground

property StaticLighthousesCached

IReadOnlyDictionary< string, StaticLighthouse > StaticLighthousesCached;

Cache of currently known StaticLighthouses, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::StaticLighthousesCached

property DomainsCached

IReadOnlyDictionary< string, Domain > DomainsCached;

Cache of currently known Domains, indexed by Id. Note: this property provides quick access to locally downloaded data from previous requests. It is not kept in sync with the server and thus might be not up to date. Requires ConjureKit to be initialized.

Reimplements: Auki::ConjureKit::Domains::IDomainSdk::DomainsCached