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Ur's HandTracker provides real-time tracking of 3D hand poses from monocular RGB video in mobile phones.

Public Classes

Data structure used to report information about the current calibration process in the StartCalibration callback.
Describes a CalibrationState.

Public Types

Enum with the possible HandTracker calibration state values.
Enum used to report calibration state during calibration.

Public Functions

Returns the instance of the HandTracker (singleton).
voidSetARSystem(ARSession arSession, Camera arCamera, ARRaycastManager arRaycastManager)
Pass along the AR state the client app is using. It is required to call this method with valid parameters before starting HandTracker.
voidSetMaterialOverride(Material material)
Method to override the hand tracker debugger default material. This has to be called before calling HandTracker.Start()
voidStartCalibration(Action< CalibrationReport > progressReport, bool showUI =false)
Starts the HandTracker's calibration process. A delegate can be used to get progress report from the calibration process.
Query the calibration status of HandTracker.
Returns the HandTracker's current CalibrationState. Make sure the calibration status is CALIBRATED before relying on this state.
voidSetCalibrateState(CalibrationState calibrationState)
Sets the HansTracker's current CalibrationState. After this call, the calibration status will be set to MANUAL_CALIBRATION to reflect the fact that the calibration state was restored from a previous session.
boolStart(int numHands =1, long updateIntervalInMilliseconds =0)
Begins tracking hand(s).
Stops tracking hand(s).
Displays debug GameObjects on tracked hand landmarks.
Hides debug GameObjects on tracked hand landmarks.
Processes camera frames to track hands. Needs to be invoked in the game loop.
Gets a list of hand landmarks.
Gets the global translation of the hand(s).

Public Attributes

const intLandmarksCount
Number of landmarks per hand.
const intTranslationsCount
Number of translations.
Action< float[], float[], int[], float[]>OnUpdate
Callback returning estimated landmarks, their translations, right-handedness and confidence scores.

Public Types Documentation

enum CalibrationStatus

NOT_CALIBRATEDtracker is not yet calibrated
CALIBRATINGtracker is ongoing calibration
CALIBRATEDtracker is calibrated
MANUAL_CALIBRATIONmanual calibration

Enum with the possible HandTracker calibration state values.

enum CalibrationStatusReport

FAILURE_NO_PLANEreported when no plane trackable can be found
FAILURE_NO_HANDreported when hand is not detected
FAILURE_NO_MEASUREMENTSreported when no measurements (or not enough measurements) where taken. This could be due to user moving the device too fast, making it impossible to take reliable measurements.
CALIBRATION_AR_NOT_READYreported while awaiting for the user to move the mobile device to gather more information about the environment
CALIBRATION_PROGRESSreported during the calibration process whenever enough measurements have been taken
CALIBRATION_FINISHEDreported when there are sample measurements for all depth intervals and a calibration

Enum used to report calibration state during calibration.

FAILURE_NO_PLANE is reported when no plane trackable can be found. FAILURE_NO_HAND is reported when hand is not detected. FAILURE_NO_MEASUREMENTS is reported when no measurements (or not enough measurements) where taken. This could be due to user moving the device too fast, making it impossible to take reliable measurements. CALIBRATION_AR_NOT_READY is reported while awaiting for the user to move the mobile device to gather more information about the environment CALIBRATION_PROGRESS is reported during the calibration process whenever enough measurements have been taken from one of the required depth interval. CALIBRATION_FINISHED is reported when there are sample measurements for all depth intervals and a calibration value was found.

Public Functions Documentation

function GetInstance

static HandTracker GetInstance()

Returns the instance of the HandTracker (singleton).

Return: HandTracker object

function SetARSystem

void SetARSystem(
ARSession arSession,
Camera arCamera,
ARRaycastManager arRaycastManager

Pass along the AR state the client app is using. It is required to call this method with valid parameters before starting HandTracker.


  • arSession The ARSession in use by the client app.
  • arCamera The Camera attached to the ARSession
  • arRaycastManager The ARRaycastManager in use by the client app.

function SetMaterialOverride

void SetMaterialOverride(
Material material

Method to override the hand tracker debugger default material. This has to be called before calling HandTracker.Start()


  • material

function StartCalibration

void StartCalibration(
Action< CalibrationReport > progressReport,
bool showUI =false

Starts the HandTracker's calibration process. A delegate can be used to get progress report from the calibration process.


  • progressReport Delegate to be called with calibration progress report.
  • showUI If true, a debug internal UI will be displayed to drive the calibration process. Default is false.

function GetCalibrationStatus

CalibrationStatus GetCalibrationStatus()

Query the calibration status of HandTracker.

Return: A CalibrationStatus

function GetCalibrationState

CalibrationState GetCalibrationState()

Returns the HandTracker's current CalibrationState. Make sure the calibration status is CALIBRATED before relying on this state.

Return: A CalibrationState

function SetCalibrateState

void SetCalibrateState(
CalibrationState calibrationState

Sets the HansTracker's current CalibrationState. After this call, the calibration status will be set to MANUAL_CALIBRATION to reflect the fact that the calibration state was restored from a previous session.

function Start

bool Start(
int numHands =1,
long updateIntervalInMilliseconds =0

Begins tracking hand(s).


  • numHands Number hands to track
  • updateIntervalInMilliseconds Tracking update interval

Return: true if tracking starts successfully, false if it doesn't

function Stop

void Stop()

Stops tracking hand(s).

function ShowHandMesh

void ShowHandMesh()

Displays debug GameObjects on tracked hand landmarks.

function HideHandMesh

void HideHandMesh()

Hides debug GameObjects on tracked hand landmarks.

function Update

void Update()

Processes camera frames to track hands. Needs to be invoked in the game loop.

function Get3DLandmarks

float[] Get3DLandmarks()

Gets a list of hand landmarks.

Return: An array of floats with each 3 representing the x, y and z-components of a hand landmark

function GetTranslations

float[] GetTranslations()

Gets the global translation of the hand(s).

Return: An array of floats with each 3 representing the x, y and z-components of a hand translation

Public Attributes Documentation

variable LandmarksCount

static const int LandmarksCount = 21;

Number of landmarks per hand.

A landmark is a 3D vector that holds the local translation for each hand bone joint.

variable TranslationsCount

static const int TranslationsCount = 1;

Number of translations.

For each hand there is a translation, an additional 3D vector (x, y, z), which contains the global translation of the hand in camera space which all hand landmarks should be displaced with to get the landmarks in AR camera space.

variable OnUpdate

Action< float[], float[], int[], float[]> OnUpdate;

Callback returning estimated landmarks, their translations, right-handedness and confidence scores.

The landmark and translation arrays contain consecutive floats which represent the x, y and z-components of a 3D vector.