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Public Functions

StaticLighthouseManager(IDomainSdk conjureKit)
voidRetrieveStaticLighthouseSize(string staticLighthouseId, Action< float > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
voidRetrieveStaticLighthouse(string staticLighthouseId, Action< StaticLighthouse > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
voidRetrieveDomainsByLighthouse(string staticLighthouseId, Action< IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation > > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
voidRetrieveDomainPoses(string staticLighthouseId, Action< StaticLighthouseData > onSuccess, Action< string > onFailure)
This function will fail whenever the network callback fails (i.e. lighthouse does not exist). If no pose was available, it will be still considered a success and 0 poses will be returned.
boolIsStaticLighthouse(string qrData)
stringExtractStaticLighthouseId(string qrData)

Public Functions Documentation

function StaticLighthouseManager

IDomainSdk conjureKit

function RetrieveStaticLighthouseSize

void RetrieveStaticLighthouseSize(
string staticLighthouseId,
Action< float > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

function RetrieveStaticLighthouse

void RetrieveStaticLighthouse(
string staticLighthouseId,
Action< StaticLighthouse > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

function RetrieveDomainsByLighthouse

void RetrieveDomainsByLighthouse(
string staticLighthouseId,
Action< IReadOnlyDictionary< string, DomainAssociation > > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

function RetrieveDomainPoses

void RetrieveDomainPoses(
string staticLighthouseId,
Action< StaticLighthouseData > onSuccess,
Action< string > onFailure

This function will fail whenever the network callback fails (i.e. lighthouse does not exist). If no pose was available, it will be still considered a success and 0 poses will be returned.


  • staticLighthouseId Id of the lighthouse.
  • onSuccess Returns the poses available.
  • onFailure Returns any error preventing the poses to be returned.

function IsStaticLighthouse

static bool IsStaticLighthouse(
string qrData

function ExtractStaticLighthouseId

static string ExtractStaticLighthouseId(
string qrData