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Represents debug frame calibration data, including detected corners.

Inherits from Auki.ConjureKit.Manna.DebugStorage.DebugFrameData

Public Functions

DebugFrameCalibrationData(Texture frameTexture, long timestampInMs, long framestamp, Matrix4x4 textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix, Vector2[] detectedCorners)
Initializes a new instance of the DebugFrameCalibrationData class.
DebugFrameCalibrationData(DebugFrameCalibrationData other)
Initializes a new instance of the DebugFrameCalibrationData class as a copy of another instance.

Public Attributes

readonly Vector2[]DetectedCorners
Gets the detected corners in the frame.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Auki.ConjureKit.Manna.DebugStorage.DebugFrameData

DebugFrameData(Texture frameTexture, long timestampInMs, long framestamp, Matrix4x4 textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix, Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix)
Initializes a new instance of the DebugFrameData class.
Releases the frame texture.
Gets the JSON-encoded matrices.

Public Attributes inherited from Auki.ConjureKit.Manna.DebugStorage.DebugFrameData

readonly Texture2DFrameTexture
Gets the frame texture.
readonly longTimestampInMs
Gets the timestamp in milliseconds.
readonly longFramestamp
Gets the framestamp.
readonly Matrix4x4TextureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix
Gets the texture-to-projected-coordinates matrix.
readonly Matrix4x4ProjectionMatrix
Gets the projection matrix.
readonly Matrix4x4WorldToCameraMatrix
Gets the world-to-camera matrix.

Public Functions Documentation

function DebugFrameCalibrationData

Texture frameTexture,
long timestampInMs,
long framestamp,
Matrix4x4 textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix,
Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix,
Matrix4x4 worldToCameraMatrix,
Vector2[] detectedCorners

Initializes a new instance of the DebugFrameCalibrationData class.


  • frameTexture The frame texture.
  • timestampInMs The timestamp in milliseconds.
  • framestamp The framestamp.
  • textureToProjectedCoordinatesMatrix The texture-to-projected-coordinates matrix.
  • projectionMatrix The projection matrix.
  • worldToCameraMatrix The world-to-camera matrix.
  • detectedCorners The detected corners.

function DebugFrameCalibrationData

DebugFrameCalibrationData other

Initializes a new instance of the DebugFrameCalibrationData class as a copy of another instance.


  • other The other DebugFrameCalibrationData instance to copy.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable DetectedCorners

readonly Vector2[] DetectedCorners;

Gets the detected corners in the frame.