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A class that wraps some functionalities of the native Ceres library. It provides methods to solve optimization problems. Full native Ceres library can be found here .

Public Types

enum classType { CeresDenseNormalCholesky, CeresDenseQR}
Enum representing different types of solvers.

Public Functions

delegate intCostFunction(IntPtr user_data, IntPtr parameters, IntPtr residuals)
CostFunction type delegate used in optimization.
unsafe voidSolveUnsafe< T >(T[] observations, CostFunction func, ref Vector3 inOutResult, Type type =Type.CeresDenseQR)
Solves an optimization problem using Ceres Solver in an unsafe context.
voidSolve< T >(T[] observations, CostFunction func, ref Vector3 inOutResult, Type type =Type.CeresDenseQR)
Solves an optimization problem using Ceres Solver.

Public Types Documentation

enum Type

CeresDenseNormalCholeskyCeres Dense Normal Cholesky solver type.
CeresDenseQRCeres Dense QR solver type.

Enum representing different types of solvers.

Public Functions Documentation

function CostFunction

delegate int CostFunction(
IntPtr user_data,
IntPtr parameters,
IntPtr residuals

CostFunction type delegate used in optimization.


  • user_data User-defined data pointer.
  • parameters Pointer to the parameters.
  • residuals Pointer to the residuals.

Return: An integer representing the cost function result.

function SolveUnsafe< T >

static unsafe void SolveUnsafe< T >(
T[] observations,
CostFunction func,
ref Vector3 inOutResult,
Type type =Type.CeresDenseQR

Solves an optimization problem using Ceres Solver in an unsafe context.


  • observations Array of observations.
  • func Cost function delegate.
  • inOutResult Input/output result vector.
  • type Solver type.

Template Parameters:

  • T Type of observations.

This method operates in an unsafe context and should be used with caution.

function Solve< T >

static void Solve< T >(
T[] observations,
CostFunction func,
ref Vector3 inOutResult,
Type type =Type.CeresDenseQR

Solves an optimization problem using Ceres Solver.


  • observations Array of observations.
  • func Cost function delegate.
  • inOutResult Input/output result vector.
  • type Solver type.

Template Parameters:

  • T Type of observations.