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Inherits from IEnumerable, IEnumerable< bool >, IReadOnlyList< bool >

Public Classes

Enumerator for a BitwiseNativeArrayView.

Public Functions

unsafeBitwiseNativeArrayView(NativeArray< uint > buffer, int startIndexInBits, int lengthInBits)
Constructor for BitwiseNativeArrayView - a wrapper for a native array that does not copy the array.
Converts BitwiseNativeArrayView to an array of booleans.
Returns enumerator for BitwiseNativeArrayView.
IEnumerator< bool > IEnumerable< bool >.GetEnumerator()
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()

Public Properties

Number of elements in array (identical to Length).
Number of elements in array (identical to Count).
unsafe boolthis[int index]
Gets element at specific index.
unsafe boolIsCreated
'True' if the array was created, 'false' if it was not.

Detailed Description

struct Auki::Ark::BitwiseNativeArrayView;

NativeArray View interface constrained to read-only operation, which indexes single bits in the array

Public Functions Documentation

function BitwiseNativeArrayView

unsafe BitwiseNativeArrayView(
NativeArray< uint > buffer,
int startIndexInBits,
int lengthInBits

Constructor for BitwiseNativeArrayView - a wrapper for a native array that does not copy the array.


  • buffer NativeArray that will be stored
  • startIndexInBits Starting index
  • lengthInBits Length of array

function ToBoolArray

bool[] ToBoolArray()

Converts BitwiseNativeArrayView to an array of booleans.

Return: Boolean array

function GetEnumerator

BitwiseNativeArrayView.Enumerator GetEnumerator()

Returns enumerator for BitwiseNativeArrayView.

Return: Enumerator

function GetEnumerator

IEnumerator< bool > IEnumerable< bool >. GetEnumerator()

function GetEnumerator

IEnumerator IEnumerable. GetEnumerator()

Public Property Documentation

property Count

int Count;

Number of elements in array (identical to Length).

property Length

int Length;

Number of elements in array (identical to Count).

property this[int index]

unsafe bool this[int index];

Gets element at specific index.


  • index The zero-based index of the element to get

property IsCreated

unsafe bool IsCreated;

'True' if the array was created, 'false' if it was not.