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Tries to estimate a pose from a set of corners with given parameters.

Inherited by Auki.Ark.CeresLighthousePoseEstimator

Public Functions

boolTryEstimatePose(IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners, float physicalSizeInMeters, CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment, out Pose pose)
Tries to estimate pose for given parameters.
boolTryEstimatePose(IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners, float physicalSizeInMeters, CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment, IPositioner positioner, out Pose pose)
Tries to estimate pose for given parameters.

Public Functions Documentation

function TryEstimatePose

bool TryEstimatePose(
IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners,
float physicalSizeInMeters,
CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment,
out Pose pose

Tries to estimate pose for given parameters.


  • corners Set of corners in clockwise order starting from top left
  • physicalSizeInMeters Length of side in meters
  • coordinateEnvironment Coordinate environment for pose estimation
  • pose Resulting pose. Will be Pose.identity if the estimation fails

Return: True if pose estimation was successful, false if it was not

Reimplemented by: Auki::Ark::CeresLighthousePoseEstimator::TryEstimatePose

function TryEstimatePose

bool TryEstimatePose(
IReadOnlyList< Vector2 > corners,
float physicalSizeInMeters,
CoordinateEnvironment coordinateEnvironment,
IPositioner positioner,
out Pose pose

Tries to estimate pose for given parameters.


  • corners Set of corners in clockwise order starting from top left
  • physicalSizeInMeters Length of side in meters
  • coordinateEnvironment Coordinate environment for pose estimation
  • positioner Custom positioner
  • pose Resulting pose. Will be Pose.identity if the estimation fails

Return: True if pose estimation was successful, false if it was not

Reimplemented by: Auki::Ark::CeresLighthousePoseEstimator::TryEstimatePose