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Class for compiling statistics on two pose estimators running side by side.

Public Functions

PoseEstimatorComparison(int batchSize =30)
Constructor with an optional batchSize parameter.
voidFeed(Pose poseFromEstimator1, Pose poseFromEstimator2)
Adds samples for comparison.
List< string >ReportCurrentStatistics()
Compiles a report comparing the estimated poses that were previously provided to Feed().
voidLogReport(List< string > report)
Outputs a provided report with Debug.Log().

Public Functions Documentation

function PoseEstimatorComparison

int batchSize =30

Constructor with an optional batchSize parameter.


  • batchSize Number of pairs that will be compared (30 by default)

function Feed

void Feed(
Pose poseFromEstimator1,
Pose poseFromEstimator2

Adds samples for comparison.


  • poseFromEstimator1 Pose from first estimator
  • poseFromEstimator2 Pose from second estimator

function ReportCurrentStatistics

List< string > ReportCurrentStatistics()

Compiles a report comparing the estimated poses that were previously provided to Feed().

Return: Multiline report as a list of strings

function LogReport

void LogReport(
List< string > report

Outputs a provided report with Debug.Log().


  • report Report to print